Friday, 9 June 2017

Exclusive Interview With Artist " Apex " and also a record label owner

I was opportuned to meet with the Ceo of APEX entertainment "Atanda bamidele Micheal" for an interview session
With the the little time we spent with him, we got some unknown facts you might not know about him.

- What's your name

Atanda bamidele Micheal

- What's your stage name

- How you came about your stage name and meaning
Apex means something at d top.. I got tagged with dis name from a lady.. She sees whatever I do as nothing but d best... MY MUM GAVE ME THAT NICKNAME

- We would like to know more about you-
Actually I was born in portharcourt but did my primary school(excel private school) and  in Lagos  state AJEGUNLE TO BE PRECISED later move back to portharcourt for my secondary school (prestige educational centre).. Currently studying statistics in ilorin

- What inspired your passion for music and who has been there supporting you from the beginning?

My friend (TITUS OBEDIAH) and boss (MORISSON OBEDIAH) dey r brothers with stage name DE-OBEDS they are the current niger delta super star winner (NDSS) has always been dere for me, my mum (IYA RAFFY),God and my fans has never left me... My environment inspired my my music career also the  NIGERIAN RAP WARLORD OLAMIDE BADDO... His musics and background always give me that assurance that I will make it.. Thanks to him

- When did you start your music career-
Secondary school days

- Your parents reaction to your musical line
Mum gat my back

- When was your first single produced and how did it go about being the first time-
Years back.. Not really dope being d first tym

- The name of your Label
Apex Entertainment

- When and how did you come about your label
Just  this year.. It's kinda funny though but God is taking over

- About the artists you produced in your label
Daemdahboss a cool English rapper with dope lyrics.. DAVEED an indiginous rapper with powerful and hitting punch lines.. Dullah a cute choruser... Still hunting for a female artist though

- Did you ever wanted to quit your music career and why-
Not at all

- From your experience so far, what have you found to be most challenging? And how are you dealing with it?
Challenges come but God has always been dere.. Thanks for d love from my fans too

- Where do you see yourself five years from now?
That very top

- Do you have any hidden talents?
Yea am all round o I act, I dance too its all about creativity u know

- Your favourite artist and why-
Olamide has been and still and will ever be my favorite artist.. He knows what the street needs..
Also i love wizkid music, kinda taking the music industry international
I also love ololade keshinro popularly know as Lil kesh

- Have you received any recognition from any top artist before ? Who was it-
I can't call d one I have a recognition but hoping to have one soon

- Are you single
Am single oooo

- Any Last Words To Your Fans
Always support apex entertainment with your love that's the only thing dat will get us dere..
We wont forget u too.Thanks

Thanks Apex for your time. I appreciate

You can follow Apex for updates on


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